Harris Environmental revised and updated the installation’s Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) per the Sike’s Act and US Air Force requirements. This work entailed: preparing and submitting a Notification of Intent to update the INRMP to involved stakeholders and agencies including the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; developing preliminary drafts of the INRMP for internal Air Force review, external agency review, and public review; preparing a final draft for agency review; and finalizing the INRMP. The numerous iterations required extensive scoping and coordination with the Air Force and external agencies to address concerns and comments provided for each submittal, and also required extensive research specific to unique resources found on the installation. We were key authors and in charge of all coordination and consultation efforts with the involved agencies. Throughout the duration of the INRMP revision process, we maintained a detailed Administrative Record of all information gathered during research and composition as well as a geodatabase of all relevant spatial data used in producing maps. Initial document reviews by involved management agencies including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Arizona Game and Fish Department resulted in minimal comments readily addressed by staff authors for prompt resubmittal of the document. Additionally, during contracting, Harris Environmental worked with the installation to complete the document revision with limited available funding.
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