
Commited to environmental excellence

Lisa K. Harris
Lipstick the tortoise

Founder & Principle

PhD, Natural Resource Management, University of Arizona

MBA, Marketing, University of Chicago

BA, Economics, University of Chicago
In business since 1994, Harris Environmental has earned an outstanding reputation for working in partnership with federal, state, and local government agencies providing environmental consulting services. Our clients have highlighted our success with reviews on our ability as exceptional team-players, problem-solvers, and experts in our respective fields. We have been acknowledged for our efforts both in repeat business and awards. Harris Environmental works throughout the Western U.S., with offices in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington.
Lisa has been an environmental compliance professional since the mid-1980s and has helped a wide range of clients successfully navigate environmental rules and regulations. She came to her profession via the road less traveled. As a foreign exchange student in Guatemala, she lived in the jungle and gained Spanish fluency. Lisa thought when she grew up she would be a corporate big-wig, running the Latin American arm of a US company. After earning an MBA and landing a plumb job at a J Walter Thompson on Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese and Pledge Furniture Polish accounts, she realized that it would be a very long time peddling desserts and dusters. For at that point in time, US companies were not hiring non-native females for senior management in Latin America.
She decided to embrace her true passion for wild spaces and returned to school to earn a PhD in natural resources. The Sonoran desert tortoise is one of her favorite creatures and was chosen to represent the firm’s dedication to the environment. The tortoise logo expresses the personal approach Lisa has for each client and their needs. 
With resource expertise and marketing experience, she founded Harris Environmental Group in 1994. She is pleased to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Harris Environmental with her clients and staff. In her spare time, she and her two daughters continue to travel to far-away wild places. She often writes of their adventures for the popular press.


Jonathan Damp


PhD, Archaeology, University of Calgary

MA, Anthropology, University of Connecticut

BA, Archaeology, University of Calgary

Jonathan’s early field experience included a stint in Ecuador supervising an excavation. He didn’t know a lick of Spanish, so his crew taught them every dirty word they knew. In exchange, he taught them how to effectively record archaeological artifacts. Since then he has worked on projects throughout western North and South America. He directed the Pueblo of Zuni’s archaeology program for 14 years and his recent fieldwork involves projects in the highlands and on the coast of Ecuador and projects in the Northwest of the U.S. His most exciting archaeological find was two 3,000-year old water canals within the Zuni Pueblo. Jonathan lives in southwest Colorado where he enjoys the mountains, snow, and orange streams flowing out of the San Juan Mountains.

Jeff Baker


PhD, Anthropology, University of Arizona

MA, Anthropology, University of Arizona

BS, Natural Science, University of Akron

Jeff grew up in Ohio and developed a fascination with biology, geology, and history at an early age. He decided to combine those interests into studying archaeology. In graduate school, he conducted work on the Maya, paying particular interest in their agricultural systems. He has since transitioned to specializing in archaeology in the deserts of the western US. He has developed a habit of finding archaeological sites in places where there aren’t supposed to be any. For over 25 years, he has worked with many federal and state clients such as the Arizona Department of Transportation, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and Department of Defense. In his spare time, he takes his dog for long walks and plays Dungeons and Dragons.


MA, Historical Archaeology, Portland State University

BA, Anthropology and Classical Civilizations, Colby College

Growing up on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis, MD, Dana became fascinated with history, diverse cultures, and the natural world at a young age. Combining these passions in college, Dana forged a career in archaeology, beginning at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello before moving north to learn fieldwork, research and laboratory skills with the New York State Museum. Dana followed these passions across the country to the Pacific Northwest, where she has worked in cultural resources management since 2004. Her love of historic archaeology led her to work and study in various capacities at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, where she performed her thesis work: a Marxist analysis of fur trade-era ceramics. Dana spends her free time exploring the culture, history and natural beauty of the northwest.

Kelsey Hollien


MS, Fisheries Conservation and Management, University of Arizona

BA, Environmental Studies, University of Arizona

Kelsey grew up in Austin, Texas and her love of the natural world and the outdoors was developed tramping around on the small family ranch and through many trips to National Parks and other public lands throughout the west. Kelsey started studying natural resources in college, and expanded her focus into aquatic ecology in graduate school. She has worked and conducted research on fish and macroinvertebrate communities in a variety of systems from high elevation and low desert springs, to intermittent streams, to urban effluent rivers. She worked previously on a number of wildlife and aquatics projects for the Forest Service in Colorado, Bureau of Land Management in Utah, and National Park Service in Arizona. Kelsey enjoys hiking, backpacking, biking, and painting in her free time.

Richard Greene


MA, Anthropology, California Institute of Integral Studies

BA, Anthropology, University of Arizona

Richard Greene grew up in Philadelphia, but escaped to Arizona to attend the University of Arizona where he received an BA in Anthropology and Pre-Med. He continued west until he was stopped by the Pacific Ocean, and decided to settle in the San Francisco Bay Area for 11 years. There he attended the California Institute of Integral Studies and received a Master’s Degree in Anthropology, followed by working as an archaeologist for numerous Cultural Resource Management companies. During this time Richard also ventured into other interests and professions; he opened a bike shop, started flying airplanes, and dove briefly into the world of entertainment as a music producer and band manager. After nine years living and working in California, Richard moved to the United Kingdom and worked as an Archaeologist for two years, then returned to the US and joined the National Park Service. With the NPS, Richard worked at Zion, Cedar Breaks, Pipe Springs, White Sands, El Morro, and El Malpais National Parks/Monuments until 2023, after which he joined Harris Environmental Group. These days Richard spends his spare time playing with his son, renovating historic houses, mountain biking, or working on classic cars. His latest venture is converting classic cars into electric vehicles.

Traevis Field


MA, Anthropology, University of Nevada

BA, Anthropology, University of Washington

Traevis grew up in the Seattle area. He did not know that archaeology was an actual option as a profession until he took a required social sciences course his freshman year of college. That class served as a catalyst for a great interest (and eventual career) in exploring past human behavior. His first experience in the field was in northern South Australia where he developed a curiosity about human adaptation to arid landscapes which he would later apply to his graduate research in the Great Basin of the western United States. He enjoys using a quantitative approach to archaeological data analysis and frequently employs geographic information systems as a tool to do so. When not working, Traevis can be found playing guitar, going to live music or comedy shows, or simply spending time with his cat Franklin.

Thor Anderson


MS, Watershed and Coastal Science and Policy, California State University, Monterey Bay

BS, Earth Systems Science and Policy, California State University, Monterey Bay

Raised in the Central Valley of California, Thor’s passion for nature blossomed during his childhood, where he spent countless hours playing with friends along the Sacramento River or embarking on summer vacations at Lake Tahoe. Throughout his young adult years, Thor relished spending time outdoors, dedicating himself to rigorous triathlon training and competitively racing triathlons for several years. For the last two decades, as an ecologist, Thor has focused on habitat restoration, biological monitoring, and special status species in California’s Central Coast. Outside of work, Thor is often found in the mountains playing in the rivers and on the slopes.

Fillip Kashirsev


MS, Environmental Science, California State University, Monterey Bay

BS, Human Physiology, Boston University

Filipp grew up in San Francisco after moving from Russia in his childhood. After earning an undergraduate degree in Human Physiology, he realized that being a medical doctor was not his calling. Instead, he pivoted by getting an M.S. in Environmental Science at California State University, Monterey Bay. Since then he has been putting his strong technical skills and quick learning to use by performing field surveys, designing studies, and making countless maps using GIS.

Filipp has a passion for plants, and he grows many of them at home. He is particularly fascinated by carnivorous plants and raises dozens of them, often handing out leftover plants to friends. In his free time he enjoys film photography, rally sim racing, playing board games, and diving deep into whatever hobby he is interested in at the time.

Deitrich Walker


MS, Geographic Information Systems and Technology, University of Arizona

BA, History, University of British Columbia

In his youth, Dietrich’s passions revolved around the outdoors – rock climbing, landscape photography, and mountain biking. These interests led to the study of geomorphology, biogeography, and geographic information systems, and a career focused on applying this knowledge to natural and cultural resource projects across the West. Having grown up in the Sonoran Desert and Portugal, Dietrich is now a resident of the Pacific Northwest, spending much of his free time exploring the varied landscapes of the region. In recent years, an interest in watershed management and green infrastructure has led Dietrich to pursue certificates in these areas and resulted in his dedication to rainwater harvesting and sustainable landscape design.

Chase Voirin


MS, Wildlife Management and Conservation, University of Arizona

BS, Environmental Science, Northern Arizona University

Chase grew up in Albuquerque exploring the wilds, observing plants and animals. His family often went on camping, fishing, hunting, and hiking adventures together. A Navajo tribal member, Chase was involved in traditional ceremonies that included origin stories of various plant and animal species. These outdoor family experiences and deeply-rooted cultural values tied to nature motivated Chase to become a biologist. Prior to joining Harris Environmental, he worked for his tribe’s fish and wildlife department and he specializes in collaborative efforts with a state, federal, and tribal government agencies, on projects involving re-vegetation efforts, stream ecosystem monitoring, and wildlife research.

He has served as a mentor to Native American students, both at the University of Arizona and The Wildlife Society, who are aspiring to become biologists. He can often be found hiking Tucson’s trails with his family, including his baby daughter Nizhóní. His happiness derives from time spent with family in the outdoors and their involvement with traditional Navajo ceremonies and gatherings with extended family.

Frachesca Eklund


BA, Archaeology, Southern Utah University

Franchesca, originally from southern Utah, grew up surrounded by national parks and public land. This environment sparked her love for the outdoors and the natural world. She’s worked for the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, and National Parks Service. Exposure to Section 106 compliance and a wide variety of projects honed her expertise in fieldwork, the Great Basin, Arizona and Southern Nevada archeology. She excels in project management, database management and technical writing. Her proficiency in written and oral communication has helped her establish a professional network. She thrives in multifaceted environments that allow her to fully utilize her interdisciplinary skills. After hours she’s outside rock climbing, hiking and practicing yoga. She also enjoys painting and ceramics as creative outlets.

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