Harris Environmental provided lead support for the development of an EIS and accompanying BA for the USACE’s management plan for double-crested cormorants within the Columbia River Estuary. Under extremely short deadlines, we: developed a population model in close collaboration with US Fish and Wildlife Service (Pacific Region) for evaluating the effects of management alternatives; prepared pubic meeting/scoping documents, graphics and materials for public meetings and webinars; compiled all agency comments and 150,000+ public comments; drafted final responses to comments and revised document drafts based on comments received; provided technical editing for all final materials; developed a FONSI; maintained the Administrative Record; and supervised five different sub-contractors. The project was very contentious with national interest and a high level of scrutiny (Featured in the New York Times).
We met all deadlines for product delivery and maintained great working relationships with all cooperating agencies throughout the process. During public meetings, USACE personnel and individuals from the public repeatedly expressed satisfaction with how well the EIS was written.